SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Ketchikan Borough Election
OCTOBER 01, 2019

Bridget Mattson

Candidate for Ketchikan School Board
3 Year Term - 2 Seats To fill


Filed for Office: August 06, 2019
Statement Received September 05, 2019
Published September 06, 2019 PM
Last Updated: September 06, 2019

jpg Bridget Mattson Candidate for Ketchikan School Board 2019

My name is Bridget Mattson. I am just completing my one year appointed term to the school board and am running for a three year term. I have learned a lot about our school district in the past year. I have been a part of transitioning the administration to our current superintendent, finalizing different contracts for employee groups in our district, the health insurance task force that has delved into health insurance options for our district employees, administrative hiring committees, policy committees, and the extremely important strategic planning- crafting mission and vision statements and setting goals and priorities for our school district with staff, students and community members. I have had the opportunity to learn more about the many educational opportunities offered in our district and have seen the way many in our school district work tirelessly to ensure excellent educational opportunities for our children. 

Our district has undergone a lot of change in the past year. While I believe it is important to be aware of where we have been and learn lessons from the past, I believe it is even more important to be moving forward to the future we want to create. The KGBSD vision statement is that as members of this school district we will educate and empower students to be leaders, critical thinkers and problem solvers. We do this by working on our unified mission that together we foster academic excellence, meaningful connections and a nurturing environment that combine to meet the unique potential of every student. I am thrilled to be a part of the realization of these objectives as a member of the school board. 

One of the wonderful things about Ketchikan is the way that this community supports our youth. Through fundraisers, sponsorships, and vast amounts of volunteer time, we as a community show that our priority is investing in the youth of Ketchikan as they develop their knowledge and skills. As a member of the school board, I am mindful that the decisions we make impact the kids in our school district, and that our actions should reflect what is best for kids. As a mother of five, four still in school, who has lived in Ketchikan for 16 years, I am dedicated to continuing to serve the youth of this community. I am excited for the opportunity to serve on the school board for another three years and encourage you to vote. Our voices matter, and our children deserve a strong school district that is responsive and dedicated to fostering their successful futures. 




Editor's Note:

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This is the 17th year, Sitnews has provided FREE web exposure to all local Ketchikan candidates to provide information for consideration by the Ketchikan voters.

  1. Local candidates are invited by SitNews to provide for the voters' consideration basic background information, experience and qualifications for the public office for which they seek.
  2. Candidates are invited to address what they would like to accomplish if elected and any issues of concern. You may include your social media or web address for a link. You may include contact information if you choose.
  3. Send Photograph of your choice to publish with your statement. Photographs are required.
  4. Email to
  5. Absentee in-person voting begins on Sept. 16, 2019. SitNews deadline to recieve statements will be Sept. 15, 2019 - one day before absentee voting begins.

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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